Eminem Jokes

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“Dr. Dre didn’t know Eminem was white until he first met him”

And Eminem didn’t know Dre was there until he turned on the light


A man and his son stood on a beach of white pebbles, next to a very deep and rich coal mine. The boy asked his father
“Dad, why is everyone talking about barrack Obama?
His dad, unsure how to answer this, picked up a piece of coal, and said that it symbolised barrack Obama. Then he threw it into the middle if the white pebbles, so it stood out amongst them, as it was black.
The boy understood, but then Picked up a white pebble and threw it into the coal min, again, it stood out.
“Dad, what does that pebble symbolise?”
“That son, symbolises Eminem.”


Eminem’s daughter Hailie Mathers has graduated school with highest honours. At the ceremony he paid tribute to her: “Hailie, you is one smart bitch, you gone done this motherfucker proud.”


I would post a joke about Eminem

– But I reckon the chances of it being any good are pretty slim…


Apparently Eminem releases an instrumental of every song called a “radio edit”.

Eminem Life Story Documentary
Eminem joined on stage by Dr Dre as he makes history at London's Wembley Stadium

3 thoughts on “Eminem Jokes

  1. Candy Huff Campbell says:

    I like the Obama one the best! Funny stuff.

  2. Ingrid Billy says:

    I like the dre one… mdr…

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