Eminem – Pooh Butt Daily – 1988

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Audio of a 16-year-old Eminem rapping on song ‘Pooh Butt Daily’ has surfaced online. Listen to the track below.

The track which is believed to have been recorded between 1988 (when Eminem was 16) and 1991, pre-dates and showcases a completely different style. It sounds more like the cheery fare of De La Soul than the usually bleak contemporary sounds of Eminem. The title however shows his toilet humour was more than intact.

The track  features Eminem with his early collaborator Chaos Kid, who at the time performed under the name Soul Intent.

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2 thoughts on “Eminem – Pooh Butt Daily – 1988

  1. Which bit was Eminem… seriously?

  2. Lawrence Anthony says:

    The first one.

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